Luxology modo 401 Splash Kit 英文正式版(細分表面多邊形建模工具)
著名的軟體開發商Luxology 宣佈Studio ArtFX 以將 Luxology modo整合入其工作流程。
modo 是一款強大的細分表面多邊形建模工具,Studio ArtFX作為一個獨立的小型動畫工
If you want to add a splashes, drops and puddles to your next
project, the new Splash Kit is designed for you. Compared to
the traditional stock imagery approach, the modo 401 Splash
Kit gives you virtually total control over how your splashes
look. Forget searching for the "right" stock image. You now
have control over liquid shapes, color, lighting and camera
position to create one of a kind (and royalty-free) imagery.
The Splash Kit consists of meshes, materials, environments
and assemblies - along with informative video tutorials about
their use. The modo assets are all scaled for the real world,
facilitating their use alongside other 3D elements in your
scene like water pitchers, faucets or any product that you
may wish to integrate. Imagine dunking a new waterproof GPS
unit into water or dropping a bon bon into a pool of warm
chocolate. You can position, scale and modify your own unique
splashes from the supplied meshes or adjust one of the fully
rigged assemblies to derive the exact shape you need. You can
also use modo to replicate the droplets across any surface in
your scene to create rain on a windshield, paint blobs on a
floor etc. We even include some final scenes that show you
how a complete scene is set up to give you a good starting
point that can easily be modified with different camera
angles and new materials.
Luxology HDRE01 Urban Kit for modo WIN OSX 英文正式版(DVD版)
Luxology HDRE02 Landscape Kit for modo WIN OSX 英文正式版(DVD版)
Luxology modo 401 SP4 B34686 Win32 64 英文正式版(三維設計繪畫軟體)(DVD版)
LUXOLOGY MODO V7.0.1 SP3 英文正式版(三維繪圖軟體)
LUXOLOGY MODO V301 英文正式版(新型多邊形和細分建模軟體)
Luxology Modo v501 40846 SP1 for Windows 英文正式版(三維繪圖軟體)
Luxology Modo v401 Win Osx 英文正式版(三維繪畫軟體)(DVD版)